Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Tool For Tax Time: The Interactive Tax Assistant (ITA)

Interactive Tax Assistant (ITA)

This tool is available on-line from the IRS for free. 

It is set up to answer Tax Law Questions, so remember to ask like a CPA or as close as you can. 

Example: I just tried to search: "when can I claim un-reimbursed mileage from my employer" That gave me nothing, but did correct my spelling of reimburse. Next I tried: "when can I claim unreimbursed mileage?" and I got several links of exactly where to find that information. 

Example: How do I know if I am eligible for Earned Income Credit? for better results type in "EIC..." and then you will get some suggested subtopics. One of the choices is EIC Table. That is the perfect thing needed to see if the taxpayer may be eligible for Earned Income Credit. 

Under the Interactive Tool Search Bar, there are lists of links to frequently sought out information. 

PRINT: On the upper right hand of the IRS Results page you may notice the little icons up there. There is a little heart, a square with a + sign in the middle of it, and a printer. This is very good, because sometimes you go through a lot of work to find the resources and info you need, and if you can print your search results, then you can move on to the tax forms or publications you need.

FREE FED TAX PREPARATION: Now that you have learned how to use the Interactive Tool, go ahead and search for Free Tax Preparation for certain filers. From there, once you have researched the benefits of each company, or are knowledgeable enough to use Free File Fillable Forms, you can go from there and prepare your taxes. 

There is also a link to volunteers who help low income tax payers do their tax returns. It is available and free to certain filers.

Free File Fillable Forms