Thursday, March 19, 2015

IR-2015-54: Taxpayers Receiving Identity Verification Letter Should Use

IR-2015-54: Taxpayers Receiving Identity Verification Letter Should Use


There have been reports that phishers, scammers and other thieves have come up with ways to take enough of a taxpayer's information that they are filing tax returns on unsuspecting citizens, who must go through months and possibly years of anguish over stolen refunds. 

Going in Person

There are a lot of laughs to be had in the movie, "Identity Theft" but it is not funny that it parallels the hell a person goes through when someone else decides to take a ride on their identity. 

Melissa McCarthy in "Identity Theft Trailer"

If you have any reason to think there is a possibility someone has stolen your identity, or you are a victim of identity theft, the video below gives simple information about what to do if this happens to you. 

IRS Video - YouTube - Identity Theft 

The IRS has a new tool called Taxpayers may receive a letter when the IRS stops suspicious tax returns that have indications of being identity theft but contains a real taxpayer’s name and/or Social Security number. 

Only those taxpayers receiving Letter 5071C should access
The website will ask a series of questions that only the real taxpayer can answer. 

Aside from waltzing into a local Internal Revenue Office with your 507-1C letter from the IRS,(which are usually contained in some type of Federal complexes, where you have to pass through metal detectors and be wand-ed by U.S. Marshall's), you can now go to "ID Verify dot irs dot gov and safely identify your identification. 

Pay attention to the bold warning when you land on the id verify site, because trying to use someone's personal information other than your own on that site will get you some serious trouble with State and Federal Law Enforcement, or maybe just the Internal Revenue Service, The Treasury and Department of Justice. It is not a very good idea. Those who do these things will get caught. It is a matter of time. 

For the hearing impaired, the IRS has informational videos to keep you in the loop as well, 
here are some Tax Scams.

                                     ASL: Tax Scams (Captions and Audio) - YouTube 

Here is hoping this is helpful in keeping you safe from #identityTheft or #TaxFraud.

**unless you are already actively working with an agent at the IRS.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Tool For Tax Time: The Interactive Tax Assistant (ITA)

Interactive Tax Assistant (ITA)

This tool is available on-line from the IRS for free. 

It is set up to answer Tax Law Questions, so remember to ask like a CPA or as close as you can. 

Example: I just tried to search: "when can I claim un-reimbursed mileage from my employer" That gave me nothing, but did correct my spelling of reimburse. Next I tried: "when can I claim unreimbursed mileage?" and I got several links of exactly where to find that information. 

Example: How do I know if I am eligible for Earned Income Credit? for better results type in "EIC..." and then you will get some suggested subtopics. One of the choices is EIC Table. That is the perfect thing needed to see if the taxpayer may be eligible for Earned Income Credit. 

Under the Interactive Tool Search Bar, there are lists of links to frequently sought out information. 

PRINT: On the upper right hand of the IRS Results page you may notice the little icons up there. There is a little heart, a square with a + sign in the middle of it, and a printer. This is very good, because sometimes you go through a lot of work to find the resources and info you need, and if you can print your search results, then you can move on to the tax forms or publications you need.

FREE FED TAX PREPARATION: Now that you have learned how to use the Interactive Tool, go ahead and search for Free Tax Preparation for certain filers. From there, once you have researched the benefits of each company, or are knowledgeable enough to use Free File Fillable Forms, you can go from there and prepare your taxes. 

There is also a link to volunteers who help low income tax payers do their tax returns. It is available and free to certain filers.

Free File Fillable Forms

Friday, January 30, 2015

IR-2015-17: Free Tax Help Available Nationwide

IR-2015-17: Free Tax Help Available Nationwide

Even though your cousins-brothers-sister has Turbo Tax(TM) and only charges $50 dollars to do your return, there are a few things you may want to think about:

  1. If the person is willing to use tax software outside of the Terms of Service, and is not registered with the IRS to do taxes for other people, this is a red flag. Unfortunately if a taxpayer is screwed by a preparer, they are still responsible for what is on their tax return, and if they mess it up, you are in a heap of trouble.
  2. Do you want the entire mountain knowing how much you make, and other private and proprietary information? Legal tax offices are not even allowed to display a Social Security number outside of the presence of its owner.
  3. Low Income Taxpayers often miss out on Billions of $$ each year from missed credits and deductions that are legally theirs to claim. Semi-professional tax mills are often paid for speed rather than quality. A high quality tax return done by an Enrolled Agent will benefit the taxpayer on many levels.
  4. Most of the U.S. and Arkansas Taxpayers I know personally cannot afford a high quality tax expert, but... here is the kicker, The IRS sponsors and grants organization places where taxpayers who earn under $53,000.00 are eligible for Free Tax Help from trained volunteers. 
Here is the Link from the IRS to the VITA Tax sites where Free Tax Help is available: Vita Tax Sites - 2015

For a Link to the AARP ARP TAP Site: the AARP has a very helpful page to guide Seniors through some tax issues, with links to other resources. 

Rhodes Chevy - Keep Your Return at Home

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Rhodes Chevy. All opinions are 100% mine.
Rhodes Chevy 2800 Alma Hwy, Van Buren, AR 72956

GPS Address @35.4542172,-94.3265917  Map

It makes good economic sense to shop locally, and to create a bond with a company who stands behind their sales and service.

Rhodes Chevrolet has been located in Van Buren, Arkansas for many years. Over the years their good products and customer service has given them growth which reaches out to fulfill the sales and service needs of customers in Van Buren , Alma, Fort Smith , Clarksville, and Fayetteville and the entire Van Buren metro area.

"Tax Time" is upon us. For about 70% of Arkansans, this will be the first time in a year that we had more than $100.00 in disposable income. Some families get a very large refund, and after living week to week for a year, it is easy to then blow all of that money on things that will make you happy for one day.

Invest in yourself this year. Check you the quality vehicles and deals they have going on at #RhodesChevy. If you are in need of a Chevy Silverado, not only will you get a good deal to begin with, but there is a $500.00 off of all new Silverado Trucks.

Rhodes Chevy also has Pre-Owned Vehicles, and after the sale service.

Keep your return at home and use your buying power to invest in sustainable transportation.

Take this home to mama:

  • Rhodes Chevrolet

  • Sales

  • Service 479-689-4134

  • 2800 Alma Hwy, Van Buren, AR 72956

  • Sales

  • Service 479-689-4134

  • 2800 Alma Hwy, Van Buren, AR 72956

  • Visit Sponsor's Site

    Brashears Quality Furnishing, A Good Investment

    This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Brashears. All opinions are 100% mine.

    #Return Home With Your #TaxRefund

    Here at Grizzly Bear Tax Care I give tax and other financial advice. I do get an occasional opportunity to be paid to advertise.

    Supporting local business and encouraging smart consumer spending is something I can get behind.

    Today I am pleased to talk about Brashears Furniture. They are based in Arkansas and have been for decades. Brashears also has a store in Branson, MO.

    It is "tax time" which means for a lot of us that we will have disposable cash for the first time in a year. Sometimes we lose our minds, and spend big chunks of our money on pleasures that are gone in an evening (unless there were good leftovers).

    Consider how you would feel knowing that you invested in a few good pieces of furniture and / or decorative accessories. Everyday when you come home from trying to make a living you get to relax in that new Conner Recliner .

    You can take the whole family out for Japanese Grill & Sushi and drop a few hundred bucks for one enjoyable experience, or look forward to getting a good nights sleep on your bed that you will own for years to come.

    It is your money, you could use it to have a good time for a few days, or make an investment that you can pass down to your grandchildren along with the good memories attached to the quality pieces of  Brashears Furniture.

    Visit Sponsor's Site

    Thursday, January 29, 2015

    For The Tribes of North America - Who Pay U.S. Taxes

    There is a program that I just stumbled upon that would be the biggest benefit to the Tribes of North America. 

    Within the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) there is an office called The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS).

    There are not many taxpayers who are aware of the Taxpayer Advocate, but they are a neutral party of attorneys, CPA's, Enrolled Agents and other Tax Professionals who fight for the Taxpayer.


    Not everyone is eligible to be helped by the TAS. It can seem frustrating or unfair, but they help a wide range of problems, and have for many years. 

    In today's announcement, the Taxpayer Advocate Service encourages people with complex or unresolved tax issues to see if they are eligible to be helped. 

    When I used to work doing active returns, I had a few occasions to deal with members of the TAS who in some cases could and did help the taxpayer, and sadly in one case could not. They were still helpful, explaining why they could not, and giving him leads to possible help.

    If the Tribal Nations will come together and help create Taxpayer Advocate Clinics on the Reservations, and near the Casinos, and near the Sacred Lands. These can be completely Native run. It is my lowly opinion that many many Natives may find amazing tax relief, and the changing of tax law in reference to Native Peoples in North America - U.S. Taxpayers

    Sometimes it is frustrating to talk to a government worker, because there is almost a secret language they speak that makes it hard to grasp. Forinstance, The TAS and the TACS and the IRS could be anything.

    The Advocate Service has links where taxpayers can voice their matters in a civil manner, be heard, and possibly get some help or advice. 

    One such link is called "Speak Up" It is a red button that I have linked in the hyper-linked  words. You will be taken to a form you can send in your ideas for improving the IRS and how it operates with people.  

    Involvement in the process can make an impact quicker than you think. 

    Download The IRS Pub 3319 - 2015 Grant Application Booklet

    Bring Help to the Rez - Help for The People

    Wednesday, September 3, 2014

    REMINDER: General Welfare Exclusions for Indian Tribal Governments

    REMINDER: General Welfare Exclusions for Indian Tribal Governments Register 9.3.2014!!

    Free Webcast about General Welfare Exclusions for Indian Tribal Governments
    When: September 4, 2014; 2 p.m. (Eastern)  
    This webinar is free, and contains important information for the Native Tribal Governments. 
    Topics to be covered: 
    • The Tribal General Welfare exclusion principles in Revenue Procedure 2014-3
    • Safe harbors benefits provided by the guidance (IRS Link to updated Indian Gaming Regulatory Act trust Guidance.)
    • The procedures for falling within the Safe Harbor
    • Specific benefits that are not compensation for services
    Native Vote: Summer of Action - National Congress of American Indians
    For many involved within the Indian Tribal Governments, tax rules and processes, this can be very complicated. Here is a link to the ITG (Indian Tribal Governments) Tax Kit
    Another resource that may be helpful: The Tribal Business Structure Handbook, here is the PDF Link.
    NCAI - Webinar On The Resolution Process

    I hope this has been helpful, and for other pod casts and information, here is the link to the Tribal Portal. 

    To keep up with recent developments between the IRS and Tribal Governments, here is a link.